TRAVELER'S Notebook is the beautiful, versatile notebook system from TRAVELER'S COMPANY, Japan. The TRAVELER'S Notebook comes in a selection of leather cover colours and sizes; accompanied by a wide range of inserts, refills and brass accessories allowing you to create a notebook, planner or journal that's unique to you.

All Things Analogue is the first TRAVELER'S COMPANY Official Partner Shop in the UK, allowing us to bring an exclusive selection of wonderful TRAVELER'S FACTORY refills and charms to the UK.

We aim to continue the founding spirit of the flagship store in Tokyo; creating a space for people to come together in their shared love of TRAVELER'S Notebook at our physical shop in Eastbourne.

Traveles notebook Debossing Personalisation Service

Debossing Service

We offer a debossing service to personalise your new or existing TRAVELER'S Notebook.

Find out more