We love to explore!
At the moment, of course, our explorations have been very much closer to home and during lockdown our family wanderings have been confined to our daily exercise. But nevertheless, we are incredibly lucky to live somewhere with such beautiful (and quiet) countryside on our doorstep, something we never want to take for granted.

What's that got to do with notebooks, I hear you cry? Well, during our explorations there are always three things that come with us. Our camera, a flask of coffee and my Traveler's notebook.
With beautiful MD paper inserts for writing, watercolour and sketching paper, pockets for tickets, mementoes and photographs, you can mould this beautiful leather notebook into what you'd like it to be! And because you can switch out the inserts when they are full, this leather notebook lasts a lifetime.

What we love...
Each leather cover is made by hand in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and the simplicity of the roughly cut leather feels genuine and earthy. The more you use it, the more character the leather takes on. Each scratch, mark and indentation becomes part of it's story.

2. The range of inserts
To call this a notebook doesn't do it justice, it's so much more! With a whole load of different inserts including diaries, watercolour and sketch papers as well as the usual lined, blank and dot grid options, zip pockets and folders, you can truly create a notebook that's unique to YOU and how you use it.

3. The beautiful brass accessories
Another way to personalise this great leather notebook is with the accessories. As well as changing up the coloured elastic band that holds it all together, there is a range of beautiful brass accessories including clips, index clips, label plates, pens, pencil, ruler and pen case!

3. The repair kit
Designed to last a lifetime, the notebook is simple to fix and customise. The repair kit comes with a tin based charm, 8 sets of bands, and 2 strings to use as bookmarks to help you maintain your Traveler's and keep it going as long as you!